

8届海岸港口工程及科学与物理模拟应用国际会议(8th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science)于2020129日至12日,在浙江大学舟山校区举办。我实验室师生近20人现场参加了此次会议。线下参会的我实验室研究人员包括薛米安教授、管大为教授、时健副教授、沈骁腾副研究员、连宇顺副研究员、隋倜倜副研究员、程林博士后、张炫博士后,以及博士研究生曹祝宾、曹向明、迟善航、解淑亚,和硕士研究生陈树彬、张海明、刘进刚、周应征。

期间龚政教授主持了Estuary and coastal environment and eco-hydraulics分会场,作了题为“A new in-situ annular flume for measurements of the erosion threshold on intertidal flats”的报告。张弛教授主持了Coastal hazards and integrated management options分会场,张弛教授作了题为“Beach safety accidents in Chinese mainland coasts”的报告。薛米安教授主持了Field measurement, floating bodies, wave generation and analysis分会场,作了题为“Numerical study of porous material layer effects on mitigating sloshing”的报告。

此外,连宇顺老师作了题为“Synthetic mooring ropes for renewable energy applications”《纤维系泊缆绳在海洋可再生能源工程应用》的报告,时健老师作了题为“Practice and exploration of Chinese living shorelines”的报告,沈骁腾老师作了题为“Floc size distributions of suspended cohesive sediments in estuarine and coastal waters”的报告,隋倜倜老师作了题为“Experimental study on the three dimensional scour around marine pipelines”的报告,曹祝宾同学作了题为“Observation of wave overwash on an artificial beach”的报告,甘敏同学作了题为“Novel approaches to predicting the water levels in mega-estuaries”的线上报告,陈树彬同学作了题为“Physical modeling of regular wave induced horizontal circulation over a reef-lagoon-channel system”的报告,张海明同学作了题为“Wave energy focusing due to three-dimensional bragg resonance with undulating bottom of V-shaped layout”的报告。陈树彬同学获得“会议优秀论文二等奖”。


此外,海岸灾害及防护教育部重点实验室(河海大学)、舟山市科技局、南京水利科学研究院、宁波大学、Journal of Mrine Science and Engineering、浙江省海洋岩土工程与材料重点实验室、海洋土木工程国际联合研究中心(科技部)、海洋传感技术与装备工程研究中心(教育部)参与协办了COASTLAB2020国际会议。

此次会议共设置11个分会主题:Coastal hydrodynamics and coastal processes; Climate change impact, adaptation, and mitigation; Extreme events - assessment and mitigation; Laboratory techniques and measurement systems; Sediment transport, erosion, and sedimentation; Wave and tidal energy; Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, and revetments; Estuary and coastal environment and eco-hydraulics; Field measurement and monitoring; Ports, marine terminals, navigation, ship motions; Wave synthesis, generation, and analysis,以及5个特别主题:Coastal Reservoirs; Marine Aquaculture Engineering; Evolution and Modeling of the Yellow River Estuary; Coastal Hazards and Integrated Management Options; Marine geotechnics